Welcome To PhotoFile Cornwall
PhotoFile Cornwall provides photos and information about many of the wonderful places that can be found here in Cornwall, particularly in our own area of South East Cornwall, here on the southern edge of Bodmin Moor. All photographs are available to purchase, and we also have a number of books based on and around Bodmin Moor for sale, and a number of useful leaflets available for download. Wherever you are, and whichever part of Cornwall you are looking for, enjoy your visit!
Bodmin Moor... "An Golonn Gudhys a Gernow" (the Hidden Heart of Cornwall)
"Bodmin Moor is the heart of Cornwall. It is as distinctive as Dartmoor, and in no way less impressive. Its fringes are scattered with tiny farms and homesteads of granite and slate, with boundaries of turf and stone to enclose the meagre, hard won fields, and its vast sweep is broken by a tumbled mass of rugged tors and smoothly rounded downs and only here and there the dark, forlorn outline of a tortured, stunted tree leaning from the wind."
(taken from W.MacArthur "The River Fowey" - 1948)

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